Tuesday, March 13, 2012

From my Archives

Since my P 500 is on the blink, I've had to dip into my archives to update my blog. Here are some photos of that doggie better know as Sangram - serial killer of fellow canines
Squinting at that pesky fly

The distant philosophical look

Bird Watching


Nose - Moist and luscious like a strawberry

Snout - aristocratic and battle scarred

A nose Cleopatra would have been envious of

Nose - another perspective

Hairy Lips



  1. most edible! a delicious mixture of snow and charcoal.....

  2. how i wish i could reach out and squeege him and chew his nose

  3. I want to chew that nose too! And his snout spots are exactly like his naughty mother's. What photography!!

  4. God made dogs for the times when he is not around.

    1. "To err is human, to forgive, canine" ~ Anonymous

      "The dog was created especially for children. He is the God of frolic." ~ Henry Ward Beecher

      "Every boy should have two things: a dog, and a mother willing to let him have one" ~ Anonymous

      "A dog has lots of friends because he wags his tail and not his tongue." ~ Anonymous

      "Dogs come when they're called; cats take a message and get back to you later." ~ Mary Bly
