Sunday, February 12, 2012

Potato Story

 'Achcha, folks so we are in a village called Rasmai (aka Nasirpur) and these are potatoes for sale. They are a variety called Lady Rosetta; ideal for making crisps and fries as they are low in sugar and do not become discoloured, are not easily bruised and have a delicate shade of pink just below the skin. Interested?'
 'A closer view.'
 A buyer turns up. Can you spot him/her? If you look for a stub of a tail, you may be able to identify the species.
 'Go ahead, satisfy yourself with the quality of the produce, madam ji'
 'Ahem, they look like potatoes, they smell potatoes, the glucose content is low. So let's discuss the price.'
 'Hang on, let me take another look and sniff.'
 'Sniff, sniff.'
 'Mr Farmer sir, your agent seems to be ignoring me; can we discuss terms?'
 'What's this? They seem to have disappeared.'
 'Photographer, can you help out?'
 'Sniff sniff.'
 'Sniff, sniff.'
 'I give up, I don't think the sellers were interested. Just wasted my time. Grrr.'
कहाँ से यह फालतू ग्राहक चले आते हैं? सूंघ सूंघ कर चली गयी. चलो कोई और आजायेगा.


  1. the stubby tailed buyer seemed keenly interested! the chap in the black and white spotted/patchy jacket is only interested in the cooked variety.

  2. i didn't know you kept a blog....and i like your style of blogging....tell the story through pictures....much more fun to read (and see) :)

  3. I've started a few blogs earlier. Most of those enterprises were abandoned for lack of inspiration. Let's hope this last for a significant time. Thanks for your comments.

  4. Gosh, where can I buy those potatoes? They must make delicious fries. The buyers are beyond adorable. The farmer needs to hire a marketing assitant and the'll sell like hot potatoes!
    Is that curly cactus leaf an aloe vera shoot? it boggles the mind.
    Your birds refected in the water are a commentary on life.
    To quote Bhaiya Mamaji: Life is a camera, so keep smiling.
    I never knew about your other blogs, sad.
