Sunday, January 27, 2013

License to Kill

Indian Express 26 Jan 2013

Is this guy for real? How did he achieve this gubernatorial post? Was this statement the result of smoking some mind altering substance - does he have a mind - any sentience, for that matter? He was hiding under some rock in the US when the despicable gang rape occurred and he did not have the guts to face the angry protesters.

Just when the US is considering stricter gun control laws, the leader of Delhi come out with this outlandish statement countenancing the formation of vigilante groups with the authorization to use their licensed weapons on suspected rapists and sundry criminals. 

Mr LG, SO WHAT IS THE POLICE FOR? Guarding you and your progeny in your curtained, bullet-proof and red-beaconed cars??? We, the mango people, have to look after our safety and well-being on our own? Is this what I pay more than 10% of my hard earned money in the form of income tax?

And you call it 'social service'!?

Another irony - this statement was made on the eve of our Republic Day. The proponent of non-violence MKC Gandhi, aka the father of our nation, must be turning in his samadhi at Raj Ghat.

Why do all our 'leaders' have this propensity of shooting off their mouths? I'm waiting for the retraction and the lame "I was quoted out of context...."

So now I have the acquiescence of  our city's titular head to go ahead and shoot anyone I hold a grudge against; I can just say that the victim was harassing my wife and get away with murder. Road rage can easily be justified, " I saw the man 'outraging the modesty of a woman' and so I shot him".

I'll shoot some one and then sing from Johnny Cash's Folsom Prison Blues:

When I was just a baby,
My Mama told me, "Son,
Always be a good boy,
Don't ever play with guns,"
But I shot a man in Reno (Raja Garden),
Just to watch him die ...


  1. Yes, our polity is going berserk. If you have a licensed gun you can now add 00 before your Aadhar number and the expenses for cartridges will be directly reimbursed to your bank account.
